Why enter contests?
So many opportunities, so little time.
I just submitted a video for the opportunity to spend 22 days in freaking Antarctica with the extraordinary Ami Vitale, Vital Impacts and Polar Latitudes. WHY? The chance of ‘winning’ the trip is microscopic. There are so many ‘more deserving, more influential, more talented’ participants who could use this experience to make a greater change for the better. Why waste my time?
Because it matters. To me.
Because the experience of seeing animals, safe in their territory uninhabited by mankind, is magic to me.
Because if you don’t enter, you can’t play. And if you don’t play, nothing changes. And everything must and will change to grow and learn.
I’ve recently been diagnosed with ADHD (how I lived this long without knowing this is beyond comprehension) and the recent liberation, understanding, compassion, and management of such discovery has been instrumental in moving my life forward. I need deadlines to get things done. I can’t do anything if my heart isn’t in it. And I need to do things my way.
I tried for weeks to write something and failed. I tried reading out loud what I wrote and everything seemed fake, cheesy, and unconnected.
I felt despondent and wanted to quit every single day.
But I know my love for animals is bottomless. I prefer their company to humans. When I’m with them I feel complete. No idea why this is, but it is. And it matters to me.
I saw other (amazing) submissions and was overcome with imposter syndrome and wanted to quit. How could anything I offer ever compare to their incredibly impressive talents and accomplishments?
My amazing husband stepped in. He recorded asking questions about what’s important to me and why, edited out 27 minutes of my weeping to around 2 minutes of words (which I edited even further) and provided the foundation I needed to move forward and create the above.
I couldn’t have done it without him.
I then devoted 2.5 days to immersing myself in creating this video for ME. Making it perfect for ME. I didn’t look at any more submissions. I just focused on making something I’d be proud of regardless of the outcome.
I submitted it ON TIME!
I felt proud of myself (RARE!) and learned about what is important to fulfilling my heart. Authenticity. Kindness. The survival and safety of animals.
Regardless of what happens next, I created something I could share with friends and family and now you.
That is the accomplishment.
If you see an opportunity that inspires you- TAKE it. Do the thing. Risk the chance. Make the deadline. If you give yourself the room to grow you will.
Anything (if even anything) that follows is gravy.