Family Sessions
Every session is its own thing as every family is their own thing. After booking's complete, you'll receive a delightful questionnaire to share a bit more about your fantastic family. Goals and wishes for the best experience and outcome desired are discussed and heartily embraced. I arrive, we hang out, laugh, do some life stuff, all while I seamlessly capture your family's joy and kids' childhood, beautifully documenting your story and legacy. You can relax knowing I've been doing this for decades and no your family's not weird.
A few weeks later you'll see your gorgeous images in all their glory at your in-home or ZOOM Choose Your Joy Appointment. I'll guide you through your images and epic heirlooms, help you choose your absolute faves, and together we create your dream order. Payment is made by the end of your appointment. Several weeks later, your spectacular art collection arrives at your door ready to love.
For $500, you receive an all-inclusive experience (with me!) that starts with a pre-session consultation. We discuss your session dreams, what you’re looking to walk away with, and if I can provide the best experience to capture said wishes. Additional hours are available at $390/hour.
The $500 covers the Actual Session only. All images, products, and heirlooms are purchased à la carte during your private Choose Your Joy Ordering Appointment, where you choose to purchase the images and products that will bring the most meaning into your home and lives. Don’t think there’ll only be a handful. There’ll be VERY MANY. Get ready.
Welcome! Oooh this is so exciting! I LOVE meeting new families!
You can take a deep breath of happy knowing I’ve seen it all and am always here to help make this as simple, entertaining, and enjoyable as possible.
Capturing your family is SO IMPORTANT & removing any stress, freakouts or PANIC is vital.
I embrace the chaos and mess of life, find perfection borrrrriiiing, and have the patience of a Hershey’s kiss.
Relax, you’re ALL in great hands.
The answer, of course, varies by family. (And no family is “typical,” anyway.) All families approach working with me as an investment. It’s important to note that the session will also come and go, but the results — whether it’s gallery-quality wall art, luxuriously-covered albums or archival prints — should last a lifetime. They’re not just photos to my clients; they’re heirlooms that preserve precious time and document a pet’s love for generations. That said most families typically spend around $8000 and up for their Session and final art pieces.
Sessions usually book out 2-3 months in advance. So, um … schedule NOW.
About 4-6 weeks after your session we schedule your Choose Your Joy Reveal and Ordering Appointment. This is where shit gets DONE.
I only want you walking away with what you LOVE. If you’re not happy, I’m not happy. No committing to any product you wish to invest in until AFTER you’ve seen the images.
I’lI help guide you through your images, choose what’s most meaningful to your life, and together we create your dream collection of images and heirlooms you love enough to bring home. Your order is finalized and payment completed.
Everything is usually delivered in about 5-7 weeks (yes, art takes time, and it’s worth it.)
All products come with a lifetime warranty. They’re meant to be enjoyed and loved for generations
Dancing upon receipt of goodies is a very common side effect. Dive in.
Anything you want! I typically document perfectly ordinary moments such as hanging out in your home and backyard (if avail). Pretty much everything from eating out at your favourite ice cream shoppe, making meals together, bath time, reading time, to tickling and snuggling in bed. Doesn't at all have to be 'fancy' to be meaningful.
Easy peasy!
Most important be comfy! Choose clothes you love, that feel like ‘you’ that you can comfortably move in without having to fix or fuss (like we need another distraction…)
Let kids dress themselves. It’s adorable, often hilarious, and reflects who they are at this moment. Remember if you put them in something they hate they will hate EVERYTHING (don’t we all?)
Some sessions lean towards a dressier feel and some are more casual.
We’ll figure it out together..... HOORAY!
I tend to underpromise and over-deliver. I promise a minimum of 80 images at your Private Choose Your Joy Appointment but typically deliver well over that. Once your images are ready to be revealed, you'll receive an email request to schedule your Choose Your Joy Appointment. Most clients invest around $8K and up on their image and heirloom order. However, there is never any pressure to purchase anything. I only want you to walk away with what you LOVE.
Then we do and reschedule for the next available date. There's no way I want you to be miserable 😍
Due to constantly changing restrictions, things might change between your booking and session date. In the event local, state or federal governmental agencies enforce social distancing or travel is cancelled, we will postpone the session and reschedule at the earliest available date based on travel availability and our schedules.
I'm completely up to date with my vaccinations and require the same from my families.
Bring ’em on! I’ve been photographing families for well over 2 decades (cough) and can’t wait to hear what you’re looking for (also you miiiiight wanna check out the FAQ link on the footer!)
WAA HOO!! I can’t wait to work with you! Click HERE to begin!
First step is to schedule a quick-n-easy 15 min ‘getting to know you’ chat to determine if we’re the best fit.
If we are (yay!) a signed contract, paid session fee, and completed pre-session questionnaire is required to formally hold any dates.
Sessions with me book quickly, so it’s important to complete these initial steps right away.
Event Sessions
Every session is its own thing as every event is its own thing. After booking's complete, you'll receive a delightful questionnaire for me to get to know a bit more about your fantastic celebration and moments you want to document. Goals and wishes for the best experience and outcome desired are shared and heartily embraced. Then, you get to sit back, relax, and no longer worry about it, coz we already discussed all you want to capture. Grab some chocolate and a looooong bath knowing that your kids' joy and childhood (or other super meaningful event) will be beautifully documented and personalized for your very own home and legacy, and what were you thinking go and enjoy the damn party.
A few weeks later you'll see your gorgeous images in all their glory at your oh-so-convenient ZOOM Choose Your Joy Appointment. I'll guide you through your images and epic heirlooms, help you choose your absolute faves, and together we create your dream order. Payment is made at the end of your appointment. Several weeks later, your spectacular art collection arrives at your door ready to love.
The $1200 Session fee includes an all-inclusive experience (with me!) that starts with a pre-session consultation. We discuss your session dreams, what you’re looking to walk away with, and if I can provide the best experience to capture said wishes. Additional hours and Day Rates are also available.
All images, products, and heirlooms are purchased à la carte during your private Choose Your Joy Ordering Appointment, where you choose to purchase the images and products that will bring the most meaning into your home and lives. Don’t think there’ll only be a handful. There’ll be VERY MANY. Get ready. Don’t make me tell you I told you.
Welcome! Oooh this is so exciting! I LOVE meeting new families!
You can take a deep breath of happy knowing I’ve seen it all and am always here to help make this as simple, entertaining, and enjoyable as possible.
Capturing your family is SO IMPORTANT & removing any stress, freakouts or PANIC is vital.
I embrace the chaos and mess of life, find perfection borrrrriiiing, and have the patience of a Hershey’s kiss.
Relax, you’re ALL in great hands.
The answer, of course, varies by family and event. (And no family ANYTHING is “typical.” )
All families approach working with me as an investment. It’s important to note that the celebration will come and go, but the results — whether it’s gallery-quality wall art, luxuriously-covered albums or archival prints — should last a lifetime.
They’re not just photos to my clients; they’re heirlooms that preserve a super precious time and represent a super special landmark for generations.
Most clients typically spend around $10000 and up for their session and final art pieces.
Sessions usually book out 2-3 months in advance. So, um … schedule NOW.
About 4-6 weeks after your session we schedule your Choose Your Joy Reveal and Ordering Appointment. This is where shit gets DONE.
I only want you walking away with what you LOVE. If you’re not happy, I’m not happy. No committing to any product you wish to invest in until AFTER you’ve seen the images.
Everything is usually delivered in about 5-7 weeks (yes, art takes time, and it’s worth it.)
All products come with a lifetime warranty. They’re meant to be enjoyed and loved for generations
Dancing upon receipt of goodies is a very common side effect. Dive in.
Anything you want! I typically document perfectly ordinary moments such as hanging out in your home and backyard (if avail). Pretty much everything from eating out at your favourite ice cream shoppe, making meals together, bath time, reading time, to tickling and snuggling in bed. Doesn't at all have to be 'fancy' to be meaningful.
I underpromise and over-deliver. I promise a minimum of 120 images at your Private Choose Your Joy Appointment but typically deliver more. Once your images are ready to be revealed, you'll receive an email request to schedule your Choose Your Joy Appointment. Most clients invest around $8K and up on their image and heirloom order. There’s never any pressure to purchase a particular amount. I only want you to walk away with what you LOVE.
I totally understand the ‘desire for digitals’, but consider them an ‘unfinished service’. A WHAT? Yup. Even though you’re convinced ‘one day’ you’ll ‘do something with all these digitals’ … Newsflash! You never will.
And sure you can print them online (the horror … the horror), but with print products you really get what you pay for and I cannot guarantee the quality of anything not printed through my studio.
My goal is to provide an amazing personalized full-service experience and a house full of stunning images. If you are looking for a smaller service and investment, there are endless photographers out there who might better serve your needs.
Then we do and reschedule for the next available date. There's no way I want you to be miserable 😍
Due to constantly changing restrictions, things might change between your booking and session date. In the event local, state or federal governmental agencies enforce social distancing or travel is cancelled, we will postpone the session and reschedule at the earliest available date based on travel availability and our schedules.
I'm completely up to date with my vaccinations and require the same from my families.
I welcome them! I’ve been photographing events for well over 2 decades (cough) and can’t wait to hear what you’re looking for (also you miiiiight wanna check out the FAQ link on the footer!)
WAA HOO!! I can’t wait to work with you! Click HERE to begin!
First step is to schedule a quick-n-easy 15 min ‘getting to know you’ chat to determine if we’re the best fit.
If we are (yay!) a signed contract, paid session fee, and completed pre-session questionnaire is required to formally hold any dates.
Sessions with me book quickly, so it’s important to complete these initial steps right away.