9 Tips to Look Better in Photographs

Yes I’m serious! There are a few wee VERY IMPORTANT things you can do to look your best for your photo session (whether it’s a family or special event!)

How to look better in photos

1. Know you are enough exactly as you are.

Many of us feel that we need to ‘do something’ to be interesting. For some reason many of us have been told that when we space out that’s somehow globaly attractive. Nerp. Being present (not easy I KNOW) and just being whoever you are in that moment is SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING than pretending to be someone or something that you’re not. Trust me on this one.

2. No Fake Smiles

I mean it. Save those for passports and whereever else it doesn’t really matter. The frozen glassy-eyed ‘no one will ever know I’m faking it’ half-assed grin you’ve grown to accept from your kid because you know they won’t give you anything better is fine for quick snapshot, but I promise you that true to life open-mouthed guffaw you KNOW is happening IN THE MOMENT is where it’s at.

3. Floss!

Yep, you read that right. FLOSS. And start as soon as you can so your gums don’t look all puffy and red (ah the human body). I can’t tell you how many people DON’T floss and man does it make a difference in your beautiful smile. JUST START FLOSSING NOW.

4. Put your chin DOWN

Whatever is closest to the camera will be biggest. We want that to be your EYES ideally NOT YOUR CHIN. Instinctively when you place a camera in front of someone, they innately protect themselves by pulling their energy AWAY from you and leaning their head backwards. Not only does this make your eyes tiny little squished peas, it also provides an exemplary view UP YOUR NOSE with your chin blocking your mouth. If you happen to think it cute to lean into the person behind you, you usually end up with more chins than you ever thought possible. Keep your spine tall, forehead forward and lean TOWARDS the camera. It should NOT bite.

5. You don’t have to freeze, that’s the camera’s job.

…from one of my children’s sessions

I’ve no idea how it came to be, but people now think we have to stop breathing and just FREEZE for a photo. I hereby gift you permission to remain in your skin and the moment and simply experience where you are and KEEP BREATHING as you enjoy whoever and wherever you are. KEEP BREATHING.

6. Drink Water

I cannot over-emphasize the importance of GOOD HYDRATION (and i am NOT talking coffee). Water, in addition to keeping your body and brains happy, is one of the VERY BEST THINGS you can do for your skin. DRINK MORE WATER.

7. Don’t stare into a black hole of death.

Our eyes easily tire when staring at one barely moving object (like a camera). We also bore easily when looking into what could easily be seen as a black hole of death. YOU CAN ALWAYS LOOK AWAY and then come back. Doing such actually activates the muscles in your eyes, which causes MOVEMENT which is action which is dynamic which is exciting to see.

…one of my recent event photos

8. Place someone or something you love in the lens.

The whole ‘make love to the camera’ is simply creepy and weird and NO ONE has any idea what the heck that even means. Ditch it. Think of something (ice cream, baby elephants, puppies, things on sale) or someone (your best friend, partner, kids when they were cute, pets, David Bowie) you LOVE and pretend you are with them. FOR REALS. Connection, GENUINE CONNECTION, is everything.

9. For Goodness’ Sake, Sleep!

Sleep (just like water and flossing) does a body GOOD. Do not believe all that crap about our being able to function just fine on 4 hours of sleep (the horror, the horror). SLEEP DOES A BODY GOOD. It’s healing, restful and does a crap load of wonderful for your skin.

Bonus - Wear SPF!

You would not BELIEVE the difference it makes in your skin. I can (easily) tell who has been wearing it (HINT MOSTLY ALL WOMEN) and who has not (NO COMMENT) due to the amounts of blemishes, moles, weird growths, etc on your faces. IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE.

a sample display from a recent family session

And that’s it! Follow these adorable hints (whether or not you have a photo shoot coming up or not- we’re ALL either taking selfies or being roped into them nowadays.) Not only will you FEEL better (ah) you’ll also LOOK better (oh! NICE!)


I found my people