Why personal projects are so damn important
Whenever I travel, if ever possible, I yearn to contribute something from my heart. It certainly doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. Sometimes the smallest things bring the greatest meaning.
I recently was fortunate to visit some friends in Costa Rica. My friend Stef is doing extraordinary work with the local Costarican organization Cepia - a nationally accredited non-profit promoting culture, education and so much more to kids and families in the coastal communities of Guanacaste to improve their quality of life. It’s freaking amazing.
During my stay, Stef and her family opened their home to me and before I knew it, I spat out ‘I brought my camera, how can I give back to all you’ve gifted me and the kids you help out?’
Next thing I knew I was in her truck on our way to photograph some teens and preteens in one of Cepia’s afterschool programs for girls. Due to the magic of traffic, we had around 20 minutes for our visit. I was introduced then, not knowing much Spanish, proceeded to half mime half sputter incomprehensible bursts of French-Italian sprinkled with random Schwarzenegger film phrases I remembered comedians quoting.
It was a whirlwind. Those girls and their teacher instantly opened their souls, arms and worlds to me, and I knew I would remember these few minutes in a place I could never find on my own, more viscerally than anything else. It was late afternoon but I swear I could see the stars.
It’s so easy to fixate on the things we don’t have, and so hard to remember all the many things we do. I promise that doing what you love, sharing your heart and the smallest slice of time, makes everything around you a little more beautiful.